DANICA HAUFFE: Master Groomer/Owner-Operator.
Years ago, I never thought that I would be sitting here telling you about how I changed my career, yet here I am.
I used to be an insurance underwriter, but my love of animals guided my way to an opportunity to train with one of the best Master Groomer and instructor in Quebec, her name is Mrs. Sandy Decarie. Sandy agreed to take me on as an apprentice where I ended up graduating as the highest-scoring & skilled student that she had in recent years.
With the help of my husband and a couple of friends & colleagues, I soon opened a small shop in the back of a local Pet Food Store. Then a few years later, when I became very busy, so, I had to move out and up into my own salon and called it "Toilletage Chez D's"
There I grew to be very popular in short order and became known by most to having a soft touch and a kind voice that seemed to relax my canine/feline clientele not to mention their owners. LOL
In 2005, we moved west to Edmonton and we set up a salon in our home using half of the garage, by doing so it allowed me to offer a more flexible work schedule, not only for myself but particularly my clients. Some need to stay for various reasons, others choose to, and there is always a pot of coffee brewing.
My "SPA" style Salon began attracting the attention I wanted. Word of mouth spread quickly throughout the neighbourhood that a licensed home-based company that is an accredited member of the BBB is taking new clients. Soon after, select Veterinarians, Pet Food vendors and Pet Product resellers sought me out for affiliation. "I guess I'm doing it right" as Mike Holmes would say!
Thanks, and come again, and again, and again.